Providing College Degree Courses for Prisoners: Pros and Cons


It is a common notion that prisons are supposed to only punish offenders and not offer any form of rehabilitation. But what if we tell you that providing college degree courses for prisoners might just be the perfect rehabilitation program? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of providing higher education to inmates.


1. Reducing Recidivism Rates

Providing college degree courses to prisoners can greatly reduce recidivism rates. When prisons equip offenders with knowledge and skills that will help them find employment post-release, it reduces the likelihood of them turning to crime again.

2. Increase Employment Opportunities

Inmates who have received higher education are more likely to get heightened opportunities than those without qualifications. This increases their chances of leading a successful and productive life when they leave prison.

3. Cost-Effective

Surprisingly, offering college degree courses to prisoners is much more cost-effective than keeping them incarcerated. The cost of educating inmates is much lower than the cost of housing, feeding, and providing healthcare for them.

4. Creating a Safe Prison Environment

Inmates who participate in education programs have been shown to exhibit improved productivity in prison. When they feel like they have a purpose and are working towards a future, they are less likely to engage in negative behavior.


1. Opposition from the Public

Many members of the public view providing higher education to prisoners as a waste of resources. Some argue that the money spent on educating inmates could be put to better use in improving schools or funding healthcare programs.

2. Lack of Resources

Prisons often lack the educational resources needed to provide quality college degree courses. This can lead to inmates receiving a basic education that is not adequate enough to find jobs when they leave prison.

3. Lack of Participation

Inmates may not be interested in pursuing higher education or might lack the motivation to participate in college degree courses. This can lead to a waste of resources and limited success rates in reducing recidivism rates.

4. Limited Availability

College degree courses for prisoners are only offered in a limited number of prisons. This makes it difficult for inmates in other prisons to access the program, reducing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program.

Providing college degree courses for prisoners can be a double-edged sword. It has the potential to reduce recidivism rates and equip offenders with the knowledge and skills needed to lead a successful life post-release. However, it remains a controversial issue with limited availability and resources. Policymakers need to weigh the pros and cons carefully before implementing such a program. If you probably want to get more enlightened on this topic, then click on this related post:

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